Sports & Recreation
Kali Elite's Mission is to positively influence the lives of Veterans, Disabled Veterans, their Families, and Student-Athletes in and out of their perspective career fields or sports. Kali Elite will emphasize respect, cooperation, good sportsmanship, and mental health among participants and the parents of all student-athletes. Participants will learn the value of leadership through teamwork and understand the importance of discipline, hard work, and responsibility, enhancing personal fulfillment and self-esteem.
Creating a partnership with Kali Elite Inc will provide mentorships programs, internships, community service opportunities, life skills classes, and sports activities to increase the probability of Veterans, Disabled Veterans, their Families, and Students and Athletes succeeding in life. Extracurricular activities are one of the best investments to help promote achievement, engagement, and the attitudes and habits that lead to future aspirations and ultimate success. Veterans, Disabled Veterans, their Families, and Student and Athletes' extracurricular activities have better results in reducing dropout behaviors than programs designed specifically for at-risk Veterans, Disabled Veterans, their Families, and Student and Athletes. These programs concentrate on marginal Veterans, Disabled Veterans, their Families, and Students and Athletes and focus on deficits rather than providing a productive, voluntary way for Veterans, Disabled Veterans, their Families, and Students and Athletes to engage with the community. At-risk Veterans, Disabled Veterans, their families, and students and Athletes' benefits of participating in extracurricular activities include but are not limited to learning universal lessons, building confidence, building relationships, being in a safe and monitored place, and making character. Veterans, Disabled Veterans, their Families, and Students and Athletes will learn the value of practice, how to apply themselves to a task, and the satisfaction of achievement. Personnel involved in multiple activities knows how to manage and plan their time and essential skills for success. Those who struggle may begin to doubt their abilities and skills. Success in an outside activity can create a sense of confidence that translates into more confident classroom performance. Kali Elite Inc will help those struggling to earn self-esteem among their peers. Achievement-focused activities focus on opportunities from strong adult relations, mentoring, and positive peer associations. Participation through activities also will help them develop discipline, commitment, tenacity, control, and respect for authority.
Veteran Owned : Yes
Prime Membership